136 Results for: News Stories

Hedgehog seahorses susceptible to bottom trawling

This lovely sea creature is a Hedgehog seahorse (Hippocampus spinosissimus) – it was photographed off the coast of the northern Philippines by iNaturalist user Francesco Ricciardi. The Hedgehog seahorse is frequently found on corals and sea sponges, as well as the sandy bottoms of the ocean where they  feed on small crustaceans and other planktonic …

Awards in the time of COVID-19

Winning an individual award is an exciting yet awkward experience for me. Exciting because it’s lovely to be acknowledged for hard work, persistence and insights. Awkward because I am hugely conscious that the recognition directed at me should embrace the entire Project Seahorse team of wonderful people, along with a large number of other contributors. …

We inspired the whole conservation world to agree on some really important actions

I am truly thrilled that more than 1400 conservation agencies and organizations have just adopted new policies that had their genesis with our Project Seahorse team. This huge alliance is really going to move us forward – on fisheries, bycatch, ecosystem restoration and on conserving seahorses and their relatives. It’s a bit tricky to explain …

China’s policy efforts to limit bottom trawling are not working

by Riley Tjosvold (Cross-posted from UBC Oceans) A recently published paper by researchers at Project Seahorse, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (IOF) tracked the changes in China’s bottom trawl fishing policies from the 1950s to today. By analyzing policy changes over time, the researchers were able to highlight the difficulties of managing the bottom …

My journey to Project Seahorse

By Roshni Mangar, MSc student Since I can remember, I have been fascinated with the marine environment and all of the organisms on my island, Mauritius, and specifically the world of marine mammals. Over the years, my obsession with Orcas shifted to the complex relationships between humans and the ocean. These existing complex relationships kindled …

Flirtatious Shorthead seahorses

Our latest featured iSeahorse observation is this beautiful Shorthead seahorse (Hippocampus breviceps) by iNaturalist user ken_flan. It is also known as the Knobby seahorse and lives in southwestern and southeastern coastal Australia. It’s clear where this seahorse gets its common names as it is characterized by a short snout and fleshy tendrils on its head …