26 Results for: Press Releases

Expedition team releases photographs of threatened double-barrier reef

A rare double-barrier reef in the Philippines is facing grave threats and urgently needs increased protection, according to new photographic evidence released today by a team of marine conservationists and photographers organized by Project Seahorse, a partnership of the University of British Columbia and the Zoological Society of London.… Read more

Experts to boost marine conservation in the Philippines

CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES — On June 27-29, 2011, leading international and Filipino scientists and resource managers will meet in Cebu City to address one of the Philippines’ most intractable problems: how best to protect the nation’s internationally significant waters against rampant overexploitation. Organized by Project Seahorse Foundation (PSF), the Marine Protected Area (MPA) Workshop will …

Gulf of Mexico oil spill threatens seahorse species with extinction: researchers

A species of seahorse unique to the waters of the Gulf Coast could face extinction because of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, warns marine conservation organization Project Seahorse. Without careful intervention, the dwarf seahorse (Hippocampus zosterae) could virtually disappear within a few years, while many other fish populations, including several other species of seahorse, …

Amanda Vincent Named Finalist for 2010 Indianapolis Prize

INDIANAPOLIS — Amanda Vincent, Ph.D., is the reason seahorses are on the global conservation agenda. She was the first person to study seahorses underwater, document their extensive commercial trade and initiate a seahorse conservation project. Because of her tireless devotion, including 12-hour stints underwater and equally long hours in policy negotiations, Vincent, a professor at …