Big belly seahorses (H. abdominalis). Photo by Magda Nenciu / Guylian Seahorses of the World
Taking community science to the next level
Protecting seahorses means knowing where wild populations are, how they are changing, and what threats they face. It also means knowing how and where different species are being caught and how the size of the catches are changing.
iSeahorse Trends is a monitoring program that does just that. It’s a global network of dedicated and enthusiastic seahorse population monitors — community scientists who gather rigorous scientific data on the changes to seahorse populations and fisheries over time and turn that data into conservation action.
We need your help!
Do you dive regularly in areas where there are seahorses? Do you live or work near a fishing port? Consider joining us.
Learn more about how you can get involved:
- Become an underwater population trends monitor.
- Become a fisheries (‘catch landings’) trends monitor.
Why monitor seahorse trends?
As a seahorse trends monitor, you will be making an important contribution to the conservation of seahorses and their habitats! Your data will be entered into the global iSeahorse database together with data from other monitoring groups around the world.
Your data will help researchers to track population status, reveal potential impacts from human activities, and discover new aspects of seahorse biology. Your data will also allow policy-makers and managers to set priorities based on scientific information rather than anecdotal observations. By sharing results, plus collaborating with and supporting local groups, we can all work to improve the fate of seahorses while engaging more people in ocean conservation.
From data to action
We encourage you to take direct conservation action, especially if you notice any critical trends such as declining seahorse populations. You can start a petition, contact your local politician or send a note to your local newspaper or broadcaster.
[Updated 22 February 2022]
[Updated 3 February 2022]