Out now – our 2023 Annual Report…
We are pleased to share our Annual Report for 2023, highlighting our progress and achievements.
This report showcases five significant milestones from a year of dedication and success.
- You will find details of our investigation into Asian countries’ seahorse export bans, which uncovered the need for stricter regulations to combat smuggling.
- Our collaborative efforts with Asian governments and scientists is leading to national action plans for seahorse export regulation.
- Our “Saving Mr. Mom” program in the Philippines resulted in seahorses being prioritized for conservation by the Filipino government.
- We also celebrated 10 years of iSeahorse, with over 10,000 observations revealing new insights into seahorse biology.
- Additionally, three new graduate students from Brazil, China, and Sri Lanka joined us to study the impacts of bottom trawling.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their invaluable support and engagement in our conservation efforts.
Together, we are making a difference.