Key components
The PSP will advance seahorse conservation in the Philippines by making a difference to their status, habitats, fisheries, and trade. We are implementing the following five key components (which were identified in the 2016 National Plan of Action):
Knowing the Philippine seahorses
- Conduct the IUCN National Red List Assessments of the 10 seahorse species.
- Create the Philippine iSeahorse Network – a multi-sectoral network of volunteers to monitor seahorse population in sentinel sites and build local capacities on science-based seahorse and habitat protection.
- Support setting up the Philippine Aquatic Red List Committee Database and pilot seahorse data capture.

Establishing/strengthening MPAs as seahorse strongholds
- Strengthen the management of at least 10 locally managed MPAs with seahorse population and will be assessed using the MPA Effectiveness Assessment Tool.
- Expand coverage of at least three existing MPAs to include protection of seahorse population or establish at least three new MPAs using seahorses as flagship species.
- Develop policy brief to lobby MPAs as a component of adaptive management plan/option for seahorse conservation in the Philippines.

Limiting problem fisheries
- Assess and evaluate illegal fishing gears affecting the seahorse population.
- Develop the management plan to address the problem fisheries through workshop and round-table discussions with different stakeholders and provide technical support to LGUs for the implementation.
- Integrate seahorse fisheries dependent monitoring survey at sentinel sites for by-catch monitoring in DA-NFRDI’s National Stock Assessment Program.

Legalizing a sustainable seahorse trade
- Develop and implement a standard seahorse seizure data template.
- Train at least 50 wildlife law enforcers in seahorse identification and implementation of the standardized seizure template.
- Conduct NDFs in Bohol as the pilot site and develop a functioning management plan.
Developing knowledge products (KPs)
- Develop and produce at least three KPs to engage and motivate wider audience to take action for seahorse and marine conservation.
- Develop and produce at least three KPs for Aquatic Wildlife Enforcement Officers to use in enforcing aquatic laws (e.g., iSeahorse ID guide, measuring dried seahorses, etc.)

[Updated 16 Jan 2024]
[Updated 16 January 2024]