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17 Results for: Book chapter

Understanding tradeoffs in fishers decision making: catch, distance, and safety influence where fishers fish

Selgrath J.C., Kleiber, D. & K.P. O’Donnell (2014). Understanding Tradeoffs in Fishers Decision Making: Catch, Distance, and Safety Influence Where Fishers Fish. In: McConney, P., R. Medeiros, and M. Pena (eds). Enhancing Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries: Practices and Perspectives. Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) and Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. CERMES Technical Report No. 73. pp 162. more

Basic biogeography: estimating biodiversity and mapping nature

This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Three knowledge shortfalls The fundamental taxonomic units of conservation biogeography Spatial distributions: from genes to biogeographical regions Mapping function Natural units in the marine realm Riddle, B.R., Ladle R.J., Lourie S.A. & R.J. Whittaker (2011). Basic Biogeography: Estimating Biodiversity and Mapping Nature, in Conservation Biogeography (eds R.J. Ladle and …

The role of globalization in creating and addressing seahorse conservation problems

For economic, ecological, and social reasons, it is important to explore how globalization might be changing conservation and management of fisheries. In international arenas, little attention has been given to the exploitation of species for non-food purposes ranging from medicines to bioremediation to souvenirs. Such fisheries range from very small-scale catches for personal use (e.g., …

Seahorses, from community support to global policy change

MY Darwin Initiative grant, for Conservation biology of seahorses and pipefishes (1994-1996), has made a global conservation impact. Darwin funding allowed me to launch conservation field-work with colleagues in Vietnam and the Philippines. In collaboration with communities, we looked at the biology of seahorses and pipefishes, the ecological and socioeconomic importance of their exploitation, and …

The catch and trade of seahorses in Vietnam

Catch monitoring and surveys were used to assess the seahorse trade in Vietnam. Despite low daily catch rates, potentially 6.5 t of dried seahorses (∼2.2 million seahorses) were taken annually as bycatch by trawlers operating out of five coastal provinces of Vietnam. Individual seahorse catches were collated by a few local buyers, who supplied wholesalers …