Publications & Contributions

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174 Results for: Research paper

Pipefishes and seahorses: Are they all sex role reversed?

The male pregnancy of pipefishes and seahorses has led to the inference that females compete most intensely for access to mates, because males limit female reproduction. However, recent work has shown that in different species either sex may be the predominant competitor for mates. In this family, there is an apparent association between the mating …

Pipefishes and seahorses: are they all sex role reversed?

The male pregnancy of pipefishes and seahorses has led to the inference that females compete most intensely for access to mates, because males limit female reproduction. However, recent work has shown that in different species either sex may be the predominant competitor for mates. In this family, there is an apparent association between the mating …

Sexual selection and the potential reproductive rates of males and females

PRONOUNCED sex differences in mating competition are a prominent feature of many animal breeding systems. These differences are widely attributed to sex differences in parental investment1,2which bias the ratio of sexually receptive females to males3 (the operational sex ratio), generating more intense competition between members of one sex, usually males3–5. Unfortunately, relative parental investment1 is usually impossible …

Parasitic Infection of the Seahorse (Hippocampus erectus)— A Case Report

This report details the development of a microsporidan infection in a colony of seahorses (Hippocampus erectus) caused by Glugea heraldi. Of 76 animals imported from Florida Bay (USA), two survived. A myxosporidan (Sphaeromyxa sp.) and an unidentified nematode infection were also diagnosed in the same colony, but these infections were not considered important, causative factors in the …