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30 Results for: Research report

Souvenirs from the sea: an investigation into the curio trade of echinoderms in Mexico.

Marine curosities are collected from seas around the world, often with little understanding of the ecological impacts of such harvesting. As Latin America’s top destination for foreign tourists, Mexico was chosen for the first case study of the curio trade in echinoderms (any of a variety of invertebrate marine animals belonging to the phylum Echinodermata, …

The live seahorse trade in Los Angeles

Global seahorse populations (Hippocampus spp.) are under pressure from habitat degradation, accidental capture (bycatch), and direct exploitation. Seahorses are primarily traded for use in traditional Chinese medicine and its derivatives, but they are also sold as dried curiosities and live for ornamental display in aquariums. In 2002, all seahorse species were included on Appendix II …

Can we tame wild medicine?

FOLLOWING the second Opium War, which ended in 1860, Britain and other colonial powers demanded that China legalise the opium trade. The Chinese refused. In retaliation British troops ransacked the Summer Palace in Beijing. Some of China’s greatest artistic treasures were destroyed. Echoes of this historic clash reverberate in contemporary confrontations between conservationists and the …

The threatened status of marine fishes

Marine fishes have been low on the conservation agenda, partly because they are usually regarded as food rather than wildlife. The 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals’ included less than 20 of at least 15 000 species of marine fish (Fig. 1). The results of a recent international workshop on the ‘Threatened status of …

Diversity in the marine environment

The paucity of our knowledge of marine organisms and ecosystems is becoming an ever more acute problem as we struggle to ensure the health of marine environments, which now face a formidable array of problems. A recent meeting on the causes and consequences of marine biodiversity (30 August-2 September 1994, York University, UK) went some …

Exploitation of Seahorses and Pipefishes

Any perception of seahorses and pipefishes as cute but rather irrelevant fishes is about to change. These fishes are now the targets of a large international trade, the scale of which is probably unsustainable. They are also victims of wholesale destruction of their offshore habitats. Seahorses and pipefishes (syngnathids) are sold primarily for use as …

The role of females in influencing mating patterns

Adaptive arguments about mating patterns should focus on and evaluate the costs and benefits relating to both female and male mating patterns. To date, most work on mating systems (using prevalent terminology) has concentrated on males, with mating systems categorized as to whether males mate with females once or multiply, sequentially or simulataneously (EMlen and …