Exploitation, trade, conservation and management of seahorses in the Philippines

This report aims to consolidate existing information on seahorse exploitation, consumption, trade and conservation of seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) in the Philippines to promote management derived from the best-available knowledge. This information is being provided in direct support of eventual implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) for seahorses; all seahorses are listed on Appendix II of CITES which means trade is allowed only if it can be proved sustainable. It is our intention that this information will be fed into development of an adaptive management plan for sustainable exploitation and trade in seahorses under the new Fisheries Code or Republic Act 10654 which opens the door to future legal and sustainable seahorse fisheries and trades in the Philippines.

Foster, S.J. and C.M. Apale. 2016. Exploitation, trade, conservation and management of seahorses in the Philippines. Project Seahorse and ZSL-Philippines. 40pp.