Making non-detriment findings for seahorses – a framework

This step by step framework is intended to help CITES Authorities in making “Non-Detriment Findings” (NDFs) for seahorses. We realise making NDFs for seahorses can seem challenging, especially where Parties feel they know little about their seahorse populations. But the truth is you already know enough to get going. Truly. A lot can be done right away with the information you have. Then – in the spirit of adaptive management – you can improve your NDFs as you learn more. The more your seahorse populations are exploited or under pressure from people, the more you will need to pay attention to fixing the NDFs. This framework and the guidance we provide are intentionally generic. They need to apply to many Parties, each with different situations, limitations and opportunities. It is for your Party to decide which parts are appropriate and practical for your national situation.

The NDF framework for seahorses, in PDF format, is available in several languages (English version 4French v. 3 | Spanish v.3).

This framework and supporting material are living documents (continually updated) so please check for updates regularly, and contact us with any suggestions for improvement.

Foster, S.J. & A.C.J. Vincent (2016). Making Non-Detriment Findings for seahorses – a framework, Version 4. Project Seahorse, The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia. 72 pp.