Seahorse Trade in Africa

Fourteen African countries were known to have participated in the seahorse trade by 2001, including Egypt, Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, the Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, and Zimbabwe. Trade surveys were undertaken only in Kenya and Tanzania, which consequently are dealt with in most detail below. Correspondence with researchers in southern Africa provided reasonable information on Mozambique and South Africa. Information on other countries was largely gleaned from Customs records in the European Community, Hong Kong and the USA, and is correspondingly brief. Given the scarcity of information in most African countries, it is difficult to judge the relative importance of African seahorse trading countries. The information obtained, however, suggests Guinea, Senegal, and Tanzania are the major players in African seahorse trade.


McPherson, J.M. & A.C.J. Vincent (2011). Trade in seahorses and other syngnathids in Africa. p.7-38. In: Vincent, A.C.J., Giles, B.G., Czembor, C.A. and Foster, S.J. (eds.). Trade in seahorses and other syngnathids in countries outside Asia (1998-2001). Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19(1). Fisheries Centre, The University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727].