67 Results for: Amanda Vincent

Amanda Vincent wins FSBI’s Le Cren Medal

Story originally posted by UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Dr. Amanda Vincent, Professor in the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries has been awarded the Le Cren medal by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI). This medal is awarded to one or more individuals who have made a lifelong contribution to …

With applause comes responsibility

In 2000, I was given one of the best awards in marine conservation, a Pew Fellowship.  It came with generous funding, which we applied towards work on non-food fisheries and towards obtaining the first global export controls on marine fishes (for seahorses) under CITES.  It also came with the most wonderful gift of a meeting each year.  But not your ordinary meeting…

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Dr. Amanda Vincent named to IUCN Species Survival Commission Steering Committee

Dr. Amanda Vincent, Professor and Director of Project Seahorse, in UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, has been appointed to the Steering Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC). She will serve as the Committee’s global marine expert, and will also Chair its Marine Conservation Subcommittee. The …

Dr. Amanda Vincent named finalist for Indianapolis Prize for Animal Conservation

INDIANAPOLIS – Indianapolis Prize officials announced today the six Finalists for the world’s leading award for animal conservation. In recognition of her successes in the conservation of at-risk species, Dr. Amanda Vincent joins fellow Finalists Dr. Joel Berger, Dr. Dee Boersma, Dr. Rodney Jackson, Dr. Carl Jones and Dr. Carl Safina.… Read more