41 Results for: iSeahorse

Prickly, plum-hued stunner is March’s pick

This prickly, plum-hued stunner is none other than the hedgehog seahorse (Hippocampus spinosissimus), our featured iSeahorse observation from March. The photo was posted by Evolution Dive Resort, which operates out of Malapascua Island, Philippines. In addition to the Philippines, hedgehog seahorses are found in Australia, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand …

A spotless three-spot seahorse!

Our celebrity species this month is Hippocampus trimaculatus, aka the three-spot seahorse. Thanks, iSeahorse user davidr, for spotting this spotless three-spot! Project Seahorse biologist Lily Stanton had a tricky time identifying this fish, as, like Oddball from the classic animated movie “102 Dalmatians”, this specimen lacks the spots adorning their kin. What gave away its …

Enigmatic pygmies – our latest featured iSeahorse observation

For a miniscule fish, Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse, our species du jour, has caused disproportionately hefty levels of confusion. Thanks to iSeahorse user tantsusoo for a stunning and thought-provoking picture from Raja Amput, Indonesia! So, what’s odd about this observation? Well, the taxonomy surrounding pygmy seahorses is still a tad fuzzy, which makes them hard to …

Featured iSeahorse observation – Hippocampus subelongatus, a Data Deficient species

Our latest newsmaker is Hippocampus subelongatus, a Data Deficient species rarely observed on iSeahorse! This observation is courtesy of Maarten de Brauwer, who is one of our two National Seahorse Experts for Australia. Maarten spied this fine fish in Western Australia, the sole patch of the globe this species is known to inhabit. Fittingly, they …

Two Big-bellies and one Short-head in Australia

Our latest featured iSeahorse observation is a trio of scenic snapshots nabbed by iSeahorse user sharejosie, aka Josie Jones. She saw all three seahorses – two Big-belly seahorses (Hippocampus abdominalis) and one Short-head seahorse (H. breviceps) – between October 6th and 8th in Melbourne, Australia. Both species are unique to the region, with H. abdominalis …

Featured iSeahorse observation from Kenya

Our latest featured fish is a thorny seahorse (Hippocampus histrix) with skin as orange as the Jack-o-lanterns currently adorning the porches of Vancouver (where our Canadian office is located). At the time that iSeahorse user ewoutknoester snapped this photo, the citrus-hued steed was hanging out in Kenya’s Wasini Channel. The channel is adjacent to Wasini …

Featured iSeahorse observation – the Near-threatened longsnout seahorse

Our latest featured iSeahorse observation is courtesy of Jemma, aka ika_jem, who works at Utila Dive Center, our iSeahorse Ambassador for Honduras. This ethereal beauty was spotted off the Caribbean coast, and has been identified as a longsnout seahorse (Hippocampus reidi), which has a range spanning from North Carolina to southern Brazil. Unfortunately, the population …

Hippocampus capensis – the latest iSeahorse VIP-horse

The latest iSeahorse VIP-horse is Hippocampus capensis, also known as the Knysna seahorse, an Endangered species hailing from just a few South African river mouths. Thanks to our colleague Louw Claassens, the director of the Knysna Basin Project and iSeahorse National Seahorse Expert, for this spectacular shot and submitting it to iSeahorse. As a protected species, …