Bycatch in Mandapam, India. Pohto by T. Vaidyanathan / Project Seahorse

Outreach Toolkit

Our toolkit was developed to help NGOs and research organizations to better understand the impacts of annihilation trawling and to urge policy-makers to a call-to-action. In this toolkit, we take a solution-oriented approach and identify way-forwards to deal with the issue of annihilation trawling.

Our toolkit is divided in to the following sections. We start with an introductory section on trawling and the issue of biomass trawling in Asia and Southeast Asia. We then focus our efforts on the situation in India, particularly in the state of Tamil Nadu. We then provide solutions that can be used to alleviate the situation to mobilize efforts toward reducing the destruction caused by annihilation trawling. Finally, we provide information on the case study of seahorses that are iconic species impacted by trawl fisheries.

The toolkit and supporting material are living documents. Contact us at with any suggestions for improvement.

We would love to hear from you.


Outreach Toolkit: Table of Contents

Trawl fishing resources

Seahorse Resources

This campaign was made possible through the generous support of the International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC). ICFC is Canada’s leading conservation charity, working on direct conservation action to protect natural ecosystems and reduce threats, focusing on the tropics and other priority areas worldwide.

[Updated 10 Sept 2018]

[Updated 14 July 2022]