Bargibant's seahorses. Photo by Sam Taylor / Guylian Seahorses of the World

Partnerships & Collaborations

In seeking to save seahorses, as in all else, we join forces with wonderful partners and collaborators.


Project Seahorse anchors a number of important marine conservation initiatives, particularly for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its Species Survival Commission (SSC). The IUCN is the definitive global conservation body, uniquely composed of 1450 State, private and non-governmental organizations. The SSC is charged with conservation of species worldwide and is comprised of 11,000 volunteer experts, largely grouped by taxon.

Project Seahorse hosts the IUCN’s global expert group on syngnathid fishes, the IUCN SSC Seahorse, Pipefish and Seadragon Specialist Group, with Amanda Vincent as Chair. This Specialist Group is globally responsible for generating and supporting action for conservation of over 300 species of fish. We co-ordinate and support scores of taxon experts working in more than 20 countries on six continents.

Amanda Vincent is Chair of the IUCN SSC Marine Conservation Committee (MCC) and the marine representative for the SSC Steering Committee. The MCC supports 30 SSC Specialist Groups for marine taxa, from seagrasses to cetaceans, helping to mobilise conservation action for marine species globally. The SSC Steering Committee is responsible for guiding IUCN action on species.


Project Seahorse is an expert advisor to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), a United Nations body that includes 184 national members. Sarah Foster leads the Project Seahorse work that is driving forward the CITES agenda for marine fishes in general, using seahorses to set precedent. In this work, we are delighted to collaborate with CITES member countries to support national initiatives.


Project Seahorse has a tight partnership with iNaturalist for our community science program, iSeahorse. This collective effort is allowing us to access new information and generate new knowledge, whether by exploring the seahorse observations that people log or by analysing population monitoring that groups around the world contribute.

[Updated 10 June 2021]

[Updated 19 May 2021]